Tri-County School District ISD #2358 Regular Board of Education Meeting July 10 , 2024
January 03, 2025
Tri-County School District ISD #2358
Regular Board of Education Meeting
July 10 , 2024
Tri-County Schoo l Library
Karlstad, Minnesota
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Murray at 6:30p.m. A quorum was determined.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Members Present H Burkel, R Hanson, M Koland, S Murray, K Oliver, and D Sollund.
Members Absent D Olson.
We are Proud of the FCCLA and their successful trip to Nationals. Results were not available at the time of the meeting.
Motion by H Burkel , second by K Oliver to accept the agenda as presented. UC
Motion by member K Oliver second by member S Murray to approve the minutes of Regular Meeting on June 18, 2024 as presented. UC
Motion by member S Murray second by member M Koland to approve the minutes of Special Meeting on June 25,2024 as presented. UC
Audit Committee: D Sollund and S Murray
01 GENERAL $87,046.40
02 FOOD SERVICE $6,706.22
07 DEBT REDEMPTION $5,020.00
TOTAL $115,177.89
Motion by S Murray, seconded by D Sollund to authorize payment for June claims in the funds as presented in the total amount of $115,177.89. UC
NWRIC-Meets in August
GMRTC Joint Powers Board-Meet in August
Superintendent Kevin McKeever spoke about his first weeks as Superintendent. He is excited for the upcoming school year. He also spoke about our LTFM Plan and possible replacement needs in the shop room. Milk bids will be sent out to the paper. He also reviewed the new insurance policy with the board.
Motion by M Koland, second by H Burkel to accept all donations listed below. UC
$1.00 Casey’s loyalty donation
$400.00 FCCLA Donation from Karlstad Lions Club
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from SMF
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from Central Garden & Pets
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from C&M Ford
$200.00 FCCLA Donation from Krisann Berglund
$50.00 FCCLA Donation from David Solseng
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from Emily Dufault
$250.00 FCCLA Donation from Jody Thompson
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from Greenbush Vet
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from Karlstad Insurance Agency
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from Farmers Union Oil Co.
$50.00 FCCLA Donation from Marshall County Bank
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from Johnson Oil Co.
$100.00 FCCLA Donation from PodCo LLC
$300.00 JR Prom Donation from Karlstad Eagles Club
$125.00 Sports Plaque Donation from MCC Sports Boosters
$214.10 FCCLA Donation from Christine Reese
$750.00 FCCLA Donation from The Karlstad Eagles Club
Board Member S Murray introduced the following resolution:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 2358 (TRI-COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT), State of Minnesota, was held on July 10, 2024, at 6:30 o’clock p.m., for the purpose in part, of approving the District’s Fiscal year (FY) 26 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance (LTFM) Ten-Year Plan as established in Minnesota Statues, section 123B.595.
School Board Member S Murray introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolution Adopting Independent School District No. 2358 FY 26 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Ten-Year Plan
BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 2358, State of Minnesota, approves the attached FY 26 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Ten-Year Plan.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member D Sollund and, upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: D Sollund, K Oliver, S Murray, M Koland, R Hanson, H Burkel. and the following voted against the same: None
Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
Motion by R Hanson, second by K Oliver to solicit milk bids. UC
Accept Insurance proposal from MarshMcLennan and VAALER insurance for the Total Package
hljhfjglinebacker coverage at $70,724.86. Cyber Liability at $2805 .78, volunteer accident coverage at $300 and Worker’s Compensation at $15,417. UC
Motion by K Oliver, second by H Burkel to approve the Insurance contract with MarshMcLennan and VAALER. UC
Next Regular School Board Meeting Wednesday, August 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Tri County School Library in Karlstad, MN.
Next Joint Powers Meeting is August 19, 2024, 5:30 at Greenbush Middle River School Library Greenbush, MN
Motion by K Oliver, second by H Burkel to adjourn.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mark Koland, Board Clerk
(January 8, 2025)
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