Tri-County School District ISD #2358 Regular Board of Education Meeting Sepember 11, 2024
January 03, 2025
Tri-County School District ISD #2358
Regular Board of Education Meeting
Sepember 11, 2024
Tri-County School Library
Karlstad, Minnesota
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Murray at 6:30 p.m. A quorum was determined.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Members Present were H Burkel ,R Hanson, M Koland, S Murray, D Olson, and K Oliver.
Members Absent were D Sollund.
Also Present were Superintendent McKeever and Principal Englund.
We are Proud
• Of the great start to the school year and how staff and students have all worked together to make for a fabulous beginning to the 2024-2025 school year!
• Of Melissa Thompson for providing the flowers at the flagpole and maintaining them all summer
• Of Jaron and Logan for their time put into the football field so we can have football at Tri-County again
• Of the custodial staff for their hard work in making our school a welcoming place
• Of Ann Thompson for making a major change to her teaching assignment at the last minute to keep Tri-County viable.
• Of Jaron, Logan, Joyceln and Julie for making the school look amazing over the summer.
All your hard work is so much appreciated.
• Of Mr. McKeever for his motivational start to our workshop week! Through his introduction speech he encouraged working together and doing whatever it takes to keep this boat afloat! It was inspiring and he has already done many great things for our district!
• A big THANK YOU to all the local businesses and people who graciously donated school supplies to our teachers and students this fall. It is so appreciated.
Motion by member H Burkel second by member K Oliver to approve the agenda as amended adding 9.H Approve revised Academic Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. UC
Citizen Comments: None
Motion by R Hanson, seconded by D Olson to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2024 Regular
Meeting as presented. UC
Pay Claims
Audit Committee: H Burkel/ S Murray
Motion by R Hanson, seconded by H Burkel to authorize payment for September, 2024 claims in the funds as presented in the total amount of $153,843.42. UC
01 GENERAL $144,783.06 $120,271.04
02 FOOD SERVICE $4814.19 $6721.83
04 COMMUNITY SERVICE $990.57 $16.19
21 STUDENT ACTIVITIES $3255.60 $5038.00
TOTAL $153,843.42 $142,047.06
Boards & Committee Report
2. MCC
4. GMRTC Joint Powers Board -Missed meeting not rescheduled yet.
5. School Board Committees
Principal Englund reported on the plan for E-Learning days and reviewed handbook updates that need to be adopted by the board. Reviewed updated academic calendar. Spoke about teachers needing to have LETRS training as the reason for the adjusted calendar.
Superintendent Report
1. Fabulous Start to the school year! Open House comments.
2. Enrollment
3. New Sign
4. New bus should arrive in October
5. Recommendation to hire Nicole Stusynski and Autumn Cumpson as a paraprofessional
6. Approve Resolution making Ehlers our paying agent replacing Northland Securities.
7. Approve motion to Levy the Max
8. Approve the Memorandum of Agreement between Tri-County School and Headstart
9. Avel Update
10. Auditors will be on site September 23-25
11. Updates on Small Gym sound system
1. Approve the hiring of Nicole Stusynski as paraprofessional for the 24-25 school year.
Motion by member R Hanson second by member H Burkel to approve the hiring of Nicole Stusynski as paraprofessional for the 24-25 school year. UC
2. Approve the hiring of Autumn Cumpson as paraprofessional for the 24-25 school year.
Motion by member K Oliver second by member D Olson to approve the hiring of Autumn
Cumpson as paraprofessional for the 24-25 school year. UC
Motion by M Koland, second by R Hanson to accept all donations listed below. UC
1. $3000 worth of Steel by Polaris, some of which is given to some area schools to use as well.
2. $300.00 From Karlstad Eagles Club for Back-to-School Picnic Motion by H Burkel second by D Olson to approve the Resolution appointing Bond Trust Services Corporation (Ehlers) as the paying agent for the Tri-County School replacing
Northland Securities. UC
Motion by R Hanson, seconded by M Koland to approve the motion to certify the preliminary 2024 payable 2025 school tax levy for the “Maximum” amount. UC
Motion by K Oliver, second by H Burkel to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Tri-County School and Headstart. UC
Motion by S Murray, second by M Koland to approve the revised (LETRS) Academic Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year as presented by Principal Englund. UC
Next Regular School Board Meeting: Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at Tri County
School Library in Karlstad, MN.
Motion by H Burkel, second by K Oliver to adjourn. UC
Respectfully Submitted,
Mark Koland, Board Clerk
Steve Murray, Board President
(January 9, 2025)
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