NW RIC BOARD MEETING/December 2, 2024
February 10, 2025
December 2, 2024
NW RIC Office
6:00 PM
NW RIC Board members present included Matt Nordin, Mark Knutson, Cari Dostal, Rozlynn Johnsrud and Kurt Stenberg. Also, present Special Education Director Kim Johnson, Assistant Director Becky Levenhagen and Vision Consultant Deb Davidson.
Chairperson Nordin called the NW RIC Board Meeting to order and established a quorum was present.
BE IT RESOLVED to approve the agenda as presented. Moved by Burkel, seconded by Stenberg. Motion Carried.
BE IT RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the October 7, 2024 regular business meeting. Moved by Johnsrud, seconded by Stenberg. Motion Carried.
BE IT RESOLVED to approve the November board bills in the amount of $23,664.14 and December board bills in the amount of $48,597.36. Moved by Nordin, seconded by Johnsrud. Motion Carried.
BE IT RESOLVED to approve the leave for Megan Irlbeck, Early Interventionist, effective December 19,2024 through March 21, 2025. Moved by Nordin, seconded by Burkel. Motion Carried.
BE IT RESOLVED to approve the NW RIC Seniority List. Moved by Nordin, seconded by Stenberg. Motion Carried.
BE IT RESOLVED to approve the FY25 NW RIC Revenue Budget. Moved by Burkel, seconded by Nordin. Motion Carried.
Special Ed Director reported on connect ED, Goodridge CEM Update, Superintendent survey, long distance carrier, Cash Flow and Cash Expenditures
BE IT RESOLVED to approve the first reading of NW RIC Policy #721 – Uniform Grant Guidance Policy Regarding Federal Revenue Sources. Moved by Stenberg, seconded by Nordin. Motion Carried.
Motion was made by Burkel to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Stenberg. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned.
The next regular NW RIC Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 3, 2025, at 6:00 PM.
Place: NW RIC Office
(February 12, 2025)
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