Tri-County School District ISO #2358 Regular Board of Education Meeting March 13, 2024

May 28, 2024

Tri-County School District ISO #2358

Regular Board of Education Meeting

March 13, 2024

Tri-County School Library

Karlstad, Minnesota

The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Hanson at 6:30 PM. A quorum was determined. The

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Members present:

Hanson, Koland, Sollund, Burkel, Oliver. Also attending: Superintendent Muckenhirn.

Members absent:

Olson, Murray

We are Proud of...

• Students who attended NCTC Young Author’s Conference March 6 at NCTC: Stelia Hicks, Makayla Gunnarson, Sophia Novacek, Eri Housey, Kobe Oberg, Dean Cumpson, Jack Sollund, Corban Kraulik, and Layla Marty. Each of the students said they would love to attend the conference again.

• Students and staff for excitement and energy during Read Across America.

• Northern Freeze boys basketball team’s 15-11 season; winners of the North half of North Star Conference and represented the North in the Conference Championship Game.

• Elementary basketball players for a great season of Freeze Hoops! Each of them have been working hard on their skills on the court and have made great growth throughout the season.

• High school band efforts to entertain the athletic teams and crowds this season. They also did a superb job at the tournaments joining with MCC for both girls and boys basketball without rehearsal.

• Emily Barth selected to perform in the Concordia Honor Band on April 5th-7th; her second year of selection.

Motion by Oliver, second by Burkel, to approve the Regular School Board Agenda for March 13, 2024 as presented. UC

Motion by Oliver, second by Sollund, to approve the previous Regular School Board Minutes of February 14, 2024 as presented. UC

Motion by Sollund, seconded by Oliver to authorize payment for March 2024 claims in the funds as presented in the total amount of $54,279.31.UC

Fund This Year Previous Year

01 General $42,473.40 $53,880.04

02 Food Service $ 9,152.54 $13,718.60

04 Community Service $ 1,200.00 $ 1,361.13

07 Debt Redemption $ 0.00 $57,500.00

21 Student Activities $ 1,453.37 $ 7,711.46

TOTAL 54,279.31 $134,171.23

Superintendent Muckenhirn presented the Dean of Students Report:

Parent Conferences on February 29; 9 students grades 5-8 attended the Young Author’s Conference March 6; Karlstad Lions Kidsight program March 6 screened 50 students; Read Across America March 4-8; March 15

MN School Sealant dental screening; Track and Baseball started March 11; Baseball and golf will start March 18;

March 19 mental health and bullying guest speaker grades 6-12 sponsored by Kidson Cares; Visual Arts Contest

March 20; End of Quarter 3 March 22; Mrs. Englund return March 25; Breakfast buddies March 28

Superintendent Report:

Through completion of semi-annual Federal CRDC Report, increased efficiencies of Synergy were identified; business position remains unfilled, required policy review being completed as part of Dan Carpenter’s superintendent hours; security and communication windows being added to the main office; Site Logic is assisting with LTFM planning; SMS has provided someone on site to assist with bill paying; legislative update

Motion by Sollund, seconded by Burkel, to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Tri County Schools and the Minnesota School Employees Association Tri-County Classified Staff, effective July

01, 2023 - June 30, 2025. UC

Motion by Oliver, seconded by Sollund, to approve the 2024-2025 school calendar (version 1.19) as presented. UC

Motion by Koland, seconded by Burkel, to approve the Tri County School Food Service Program to apply for and participate in the 2024 Summer Food Program. UC

Motion by Oliver, seconded by Koland, to approve general fund expenditure for the adult breakfast buddy guest breakfasts on March 28, 2024. UC

Next Regular School Board Meeting: April 10, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Tri County School Library in Karlstad, MN.

Motion by Burkel, second by Oliver, to Adjourn. UC

Respectfully submitted by

Mark Koland, Clerk

(May 30, 2024)