July 01, 2024



APRIL 10, 2024



The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Murray at 6:30 p.m. A quorum was determined. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Members Present: H Burkel, R Hanson, M Koland , S Murray , D Olson, K Oliver Also attending: Superintendent Muckenhirn

We are Proud of:

• NF girls basketball record of 18-8.

• Art II and II students

Earning Excellent ratings:

• Brynlee Reese painting: A Wildflower Feel

• Lilly Duray for her quilt--An Altered Illusion Earning Superior ratings:

• Josephine Wade painting--Molded Chaos

• Max Severson painting--Through the Valley

• Kylie Brown painting--Seeing All, Speaking None

• Katie Clark painting--Eye See Me Spotlight in the Arts

• Josephine Wade

• Principal Dalia Englund for tireless and strong work

• Junior class fundraising efforts

• Amy Olson’s Breakfast Buddies event

• FCCLA State Conference STAR events

• Ada Pearson, Katie Clark, Brynlee Reese - Gold

• Josi Wade - Silver

• Hailey Bothum, Greta Rominski - Gold

• Hadley Reese, Elin Reese - Silver

• Noah Kraulik - Bronze

• Rhett Pearson, Elijah Sollund - Gold

• Ella Strozyk, Piper Olson - Silver

• Jillian Duray, Christy Hanson - Gold

• Mrs. Pietruszewski for her strong leadership

• Elaine Ruud for her hard work this year as our grade 6

Motion by K Oliver , seconded by S Murray to approve the agenda as amended. UC

Motion by M Kolland, seconded by H Burkel, to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2024 regular meeting as presented. UC

Motion by S Murray, seconded by R Hanson to authorize payment for April 2024 claims in the funds as presented in the total amount of $111,789.29. UC

Fund This Year Prev. Year

01 General $ 89,861.79 $ 53,880.04

02 Food Service $ 10,724.61 $ 13,718.60

04 Community Service $406.39 $ 1,361.13

07 Debt Service $0.0 $ 57,500.00

21 Student Activities $ 10,796.50 $ 7,711.46

Total $111,789.29 $134,171.2

Boards & Committee Report


2. MCC


4. GMRTC Joint Powers Board

5. School Board Committees

Principal Report- Updates on READ Act, MCAs, Graduation rate

Superintendent Report- Updates on Enrollment, financial services, legislative session, facilities, graduation

Motion by H Burkel, second by R Hanson to approve the hire of Kristyne Duray as Business Manager effective April 3, 2024. UC

Motion by H Burkel, seconded by K Oliver to approve Erin Blazejewski’s temporary change in position from paraprofessional to Lead VPK Paraprofessional, effective approximately April 23, 2024 through approximately May 24, 2024. UC

Motion by K Oliver, second by M Koland to approve the hire of Elizabeth Christinson as Title I long term substitute teacher from January 1, 2024 through March 28, 2024. UC

Motion by K Oliver, second by M Koland to approve renewal of Policy 902 Use of School District Facilities and Equipment with no revisions. UC

Motion by K Oliver, second by H Burkel to approve renewal of Policy 511 Student Fundraising with no revisions. UC

Motion by M Koland, second by R Hanson to approve the FY24 Revised Budget as presented. UC

Motion by K Oliver, second by H Burkel to add a General Building Paraprofessional position. UC

Discussion regarding proposed Substitute Pay Procedure.

Motion by M Koland, seconded by K Oliver, to direct administration to commence the bid process for obtaining a school bus. UC

Motion by K Oliver, seconded by M Koland, to direct administration to commence the bid process for bus garage renovation project. UC

Motion by R Hanson, second by H Burkel, to permit Post Prom events and activities to be held in the school. UC

Motion by S Murray second by H Burkel to accept the resignation of Superintendent Muckenhirn, effective June 30, 2024.

Next Regular School Board Meeting: May 8, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Tri County School Library in Karlstad, MN.

Next GMRTC Joint Powers Board Meeting: May 8, 2024, 5:30 p.m. at Tri County School Library in Karlstad, MN.

Motion by K Oliver, seconded H Burkel, to adjourn. UC

(July 4, 2024)